Have you noticed recently that there has been a higher volume of calls coming into your company from customers? This could be due to a new line of products and services that has enticed brand-new customers to purchase from your company, or it might be that your in-house customer service team is struggling to deal with complaints and queries after an emergency event or unforeseen problem. Either way, in these times it can be disastrous for your brand and company reputation to be unable to deal with the number of calls. With the help of a contact centre team, your company can deal with any potential obstacles and challenges, coming out stronger than ever before and keeping customers happy.
What is Overflow Call Handling?
Let’s look at what you might have already as a business. It could be that you already have an in-house team of customer service agents whose sole job is to take inbound calls from customers. This could be as a final point of sale to buy your products and services or as part of a complaints process. What happens if there is a sudden spike in calls and your existing team are completely overwhelmed and unable to answer all the calls?
Your company might struggle with call volume due to:
- Busy seasonal periods
- Holiday periods
- A popular new product or service line
- High level of complaints due to a new problem the company is suffering
- General enquiries
- Customer support on certain products or processing issues
- Technical Helpdesk support needs
With the assistance of a contact centre team your company has the support of an overflow call handling service. How this works is that whenever your internal team are overwhelmed with the high number of calls, the outsourced team can step in and take over the calls on your behalf.
This will be as a white label service, where the customer has no idea that they are speaking to a team that does not technically work for the company in question. This does not matter however, as the contact centre team will be highly trained in all things customer service and understand the brand ideals, products and services inside and out so that it will never be apparent. The quality will remain consistently high and your in-house team can have the pressure relieved allowing them to keep standards high.
If your company has been struggling with a sharp rise in calls to the office, overwhelming your in-house customer service team at key times, it is clearly time for a change of approach. By hiring the services of a professional call centre team to help deal with overflow call handling, your company can maintain high standards, relieving the pressure of the internal team and ensuring that you do not miss any potential opportunities with new customers because there is no one to answer the phones. This also maintains high levels of customer satisfaction as your company can ensure shorter call waiting times and the relevant departments dealing with the right customers and issues at the right times.