Although purchasing health insurance may seem complicated at first, it gets a lot easier once you learn a few of the basics. In Thailand, there are two main types of health insurance, personal and employee coverage, and both have pros and cons that allow you to choose the one that best meets your needs. There are also many websites that go into detail on the various types of health insurance plans, and once you consider exactly what you need in a plan it can be much easier to make the right decision. Both personal policies and those offered through your employer allow you to use the plans however you wish to use them, including both doctors’ visits and hospital stays. The main differences have to do with how customized the plan is and what your choices are once you leave the job you currently have.
Just the Facts
Here are the main differences between these two types of health insurance policies:
Personal Insurance Coverage:
With personal insurance policies, you simply keep the policy you have should you ever leave your job, so there is no need to worry about losing your coverage. You can also customize your plan so that it meets your health needs even better, and you can choose guaranteed renewability so that you won’t lose coverage in the future. On the other hand, personal coverage has to be paid fully out of pocket, which can be expensive for many people. In addition, this type of coverage tends to consist of a lot of paperwork, which some people find cumbersome and time-consuming.
Employee Insurance Coverage:
As an employee, you can get a health insurance policy through your employer, which tends to be a lot less expensive than personal policies because you aren’t paying for the policy all on your own. When you compare health insurance in Thailand, you’ll find you can usually get covered even if you have preexisting conditions if you choose an employee policy. On the other hand, you are likely to lose your coverage when you quit your job, and the policies aren’t as easily customized as the personal policies are.
Since there are pros and cons to each of these plans, it is always recommended that you do your due diligence and research each option so that you know for sure what you’re getting into.
Coverage for Everyone When They Need it
In Thailand, you have options when it comes to getting health insurance coverage, so there truly is a policy for everyone. Other things to take into consideration include your age, how often you get sick, and your own personal budget. Studying the advantages and disadvantages of each type of policy thoroughly means you’ll know exactly what you’re purchasing before you sign on the dotted line, making it much more likely that you’ll end up with a policy that perfectly suits your medical needs. The fact that the policies are different in many ways is actually a good thing, because it means that all individuals can find a policy that is right for them.